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<p><strong>The most impressive adventure of the year for the whole family - air show No. 1 - Baltic International Airshow 2022!</strong><br />
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For two days, Liepaja wias the capital of Baltic aviation with the largest and most ambitious air show on 6-7. August at Liepaja International Airport!<br />
Fighter jets, pilot groups, colored smoke and pyrotechnics - all this, and even more right in front of your eyes above the runway of Liepaja Airport!<br />
More than 6 hours of flight program with the best air performances in the industry, unforgettable fighter turns, and of course, synchronous figures of aerobatic teams in the sky! Premiere of many performances in Latvia!<br />
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<strong>In the approved program:</strong><br />
- NATO Boeing E-3A AWACS<br />
- Fighter JAS39C Gripen from Hungary Air Force (with DUMP&BURN!)<br />
- Red Bull Team Blanix glider team from Switzerland.<br />
- USA Army helicopter AH-64 APACHE<br />
- USA Army helicopter UH-60 BLACKHAWK<br />
- Legendary Douglas DC-3 from Finland<br />
- airBaltic Training Pilot Academy 5 Diamond DA40NG/DA42 formation flight.<br />
- Iron Wolf Aerobatics from Lithuania with Sukhoi- 26 and Extreme 42 aircrafts featuring explosion show!<br />
- Baltic Amber Team from Lithuania with 3 Aeroprakt aircrafts featuring smoke show<br />
- Car vs plane race<br />
- Latvian Borderguard helicopters Augusta 119 and Augusta 109E<br />
- Antonov An-2 from Latvia<br />
- Static display of Mig-21 and Mig-23<br />
and others!<br />
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And that's not all - for the first time in Latvia, spectators was the opportunity to watch the planes prepare and go to the runway with a 270-degree visibility around the apron! </p>